By Clement Akoloh
Whenever the phrase, “Waking the Sleeping Giant” surfaces in any conversation, what first comes to mind is that moment in history during World War II, specifically the attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese which got the United States of America actively involved in the war.
Until the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US had taken a neutral stance and wasn’t willing to send its military into battle. But once the Japanese struck the naval base on Oahu, the United States awoke from a slumbering state of neutrality, eventually sending over ten million troops to war. With much of its navy destroyed at Midway by the US, the Japanese never fully recovered the power it had before waking a “sleeping giant”.
That was World War II, in this case the “Sleeping Giant” refers to the Pan African Parliament (PAP) within the architecture of the African Union (AU), the Continental Union of 54 sovereign African states.
The Pan African Parliament (PAP) is the third organ in order of succession as captured in Article 5 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU); coming only after the General Assembly and the Executive Council in that order.
It is followed by The Court of Justice; The Commission; The Permanent Representatives Committee; The Special Technical Committees; The Economic, Social and Cultural Council; and the Financial Institutions respectively.
It is quite disappointing and very much an understatement to note that all stakeholders in the Pan African Parliament over the years, have been reckless to have allowed such a giant institution of its caliber to go to sleep while the African Union struggles to fully rally its organs around to surmount the myriad of challenges confronting the continent because of the lack of inter-connectedness among the organs.
It is the duty of all and sundry, from the lowest person to the highest authority on the African continent to the ensure that the Pan African Parliament is enabled to do perform the functions it was set out to do when it was established some 18 years ago.
It is a collective gaffe for the political elite, the media, the civil society, and the citizens of Africa if the Pan African Parliament is not household name and viable platform where developmental issues which are common to the four corners of the continent are discussed for solutions to implemented collectively.
It is clear from the Constitutive Act of the AU that, the Pan African Parliament was established to play specialize role within the African Union architecture which is very crucial for the proper functioning of the African continental body as a whole.
The strategic duties, composition, powers, functions and organization of the PAP defined in the protocol, sets it out as the glue which should bind it all together. That is certainly a subject for another day, however, the focus of this article is to point out the role each and every stakeholder could play to help position the PAP to play the role it ought to play to advance the course of sustainable development on the continent.
According to Article 17 of the Constitutive Act of the AU, “In order to ensure the full participation of African peoples in the development and economic integration of the continent, a Pan African Parliament shall be established.”
The PAP is like a giant which has been sleeping on its rights and powers for quite some time now. Though the PAP has been vested with a lot of powers, a lot of its powers have been usurped and most of its original functions being performed by other organs below in the hierarchical structure of the organs of the AU.
The political elite on the continent including the AU Chair; the Head of States; the Ministers at the Executive Council; the Members of Parliament delegated to the continental Parliament; and the Bureau Chiefs in charge of the administration of the PAP must show the political will by giving life to the Malabo Protocol which is expected to expand the powers of the PAP from just a consultative Parliament to a fully fledged legislative one for the continent.
According to the 2014 Malabo Protocol, a minimum of 28 countries as supposed to ratify it to kick it into action. However, as we speak, though 22 countries have actually signed the Protocol, only 14 countries have ratified it. Making the operationalization of the Protocol short of the ratification of another 14 member states.
It is somehow refreshing to note that, the Bureau of the PAP led by its President, H. E. Chief Fortune Zephaniah Charumbira, has shown some commitment and political will to seek the needed help to awaken the Pan African Parliament from its slumber to take up its rightful position on the continent.
The President has made overtures to the media on the continent to bring their shoulders to support the push for the PAP to assume the functions of its mandate by ensuring its visibility on the continent. Hence the brewing of a lasting partnership between the continental Parliament and the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN), comprising a network of Parliamentary journalists and Parliamentary officers across the various parliaments on the continent.
To cut a long story short, it is in the best interest of all stakeholders in the African Union and the Pan African Parliament, especially the ordinary people of Africa for the Pan African Parliament to function at its utmost best because it was created “to ensure the full participation of African peoples in the development and economic integration of the continent.”
A well-functioning PAP is a well-functioning Africa with the full participation of the people in the development and economic integration of the continent. Giving true meaning to slogan of the Pan African Parliament, “One Africa, One Voice.”
[post_date_unix] => 1663253735 [post_date] => September 15, 2022 [post_modified] => September 15, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1505] => Array ( [post_id] => 1505 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1506 [post_link] => [post_title] => PAP and Africa Forum to Work together on Implementation of AU Objectives [post_title_attribute] => PAP and Africa Forum to Work together on Implementation of AU Objectives [post_excerpt] => The Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government (Africa Forum) have agreed to establish a collaborative framework to support the implementation of the broad objectives of the African Union (AU). [post_content] =>The Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government (Africa Forum) have agreed to establish a collaborative framework to support the implementation of the broad objectives of the African Union (AU).
An introductory meeting between the two parties took place on 14 September 2022 at the seat of the continental Parliament in Midrand, South Africa. Presenting the missions and objectives of the Forum, Prof. John Tesha, Executive Secretary of the Africa Forum underscored that the renewed impetus and reinvigoration of the PAP, underpinned by a new political leadership, presents a unique opportunity for cooperation with African Parliamentarians at national, sub-regional and regional levels.
The Africa Forum was formed in 2006 and constitutes an informal network of former African Heads of State and Government and other African leaders with the specific functions of advocacy and think tanking. The Forum helps harness the experience, moral authority and good offices of the former African leaders for the purpose of assisting the advancement Africa's social and economic development.
The Bureau, through H.E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira, President of the PAP, welcomed the idea of working closely with Africa’s former leaders on issues of common interest, including advancing African development, particularly by promoting sustainable peace and security, enhancing and sustaining democratic governance in Africa and promoting human rights.
The meeting agreed to hold further consultations with a view to fine-tune, in due course, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on areas of Collaboration. The Executive Secretariat of the Forum has also made a request to be allocated an office space within the PAP precincts as part of the working relationship. The request will be deliberated upon and given due consideration by the PAP Bureau after consultations with relevant stakeholders.
[post_date_unix] => 1663247220 [post_date] => September 15, 2022 [post_modified] => September 15, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1499] => Array ( [post_id] => 1499 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1500 [post_link] => [post_title] => Concerns Raised over Some Provisions of the Malabo Protocol – Hon. Masondo [post_title_attribute] => Concerns Raised over Some Provisions of the Malabo Protocol – Hon. Masondo [post_excerpt] => The National Council of Provinces Chairperson, Hon. Amos Masondo, has expressed reservations over certain provisions in the Malabo Protocol which is undergoing ratification by African Union (AU) member States. [post_content] =>The National Council of Provinces Chairperson, Hon. Amos Masondo, has expressed reservations over certain provisions in the Malabo Protocol which is undergoing ratification by African Union (AU) member States.
Under a constitution which came into full effect in 1997, the National Council of Provinces is the upper house of the Parliament of South Africa.
The Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community relating to the Pan-African Parliament adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, also known as Malabo Protocol has so far been ratified by fourteen member States and requires fourteen more ratifications to come into force.
Masondo was speaking at the second day of the 11th Conference of Speakers of National and Regional Parliaments, held at the PAP headquarters in Midrand from 01 – 02 September 2022.
He expressed concern over Article 5(1)(a) of the Protocol which provides that the National Parliament, or other deliberative body, shall elect from outside its membership five Members to serve in the PAP. This places an obligation on National Parliaments to elect people who are not members of their national parliament to represent the interest of the country at a continental level. “Who will they be reporting to when they return from parliament” he queried.
Masondo stated that it was unclear how these independent people would account to Parliament and what recourse would Parliament have against those independent people if they fail to or refuse to account to Parliament.
Another area of concern is Article 5(6) which provides that for the avoidance of doubt, an MP from a National Parliament or other deliberative body is eligible to contest an election to the PAP. The Article further provides that, if elected, the Member shall resign from the National Parliament or other deliberative body.
Masondo maintained that this provision leaves such a Member with no clear line of accountability because the members of parliament are elected to represent the interests of the people in Parliament and to account for every aspect of their work as the representatives of the people.
On the two and half (21/2) year tenure for the members of the Bureau of the Parliament renewable once, Masondo submitted that it will create instability since the tenure of the members of the Parliament is five years. In his opinion, the tenure of the Bureau should have been the same five (5) years for the members of the Parliament.
He stated that Article 10 (1) and (2) which provides that the Pan-African Parliamentarians shall be paid allowances by their respective State Parties is an objectionable provision as it was unthinkable that State Parties would continue to pay allowances to independent people elected outside the normal electoral processes of the Member State.
Chairperson Masondo said Article 19(2) of the Protocol is one of the very crucial provisions of the reviewed Protocol as it provides that the PAP shall periodically submit a report in writing on its work to National Parliaments for information. He said this was a very important step as it seeks to ensure accountability. The submission of these reports will ensure that National Parliaments are aware of what the PAP is doing, and where necessary, debates the reports of the PAP, said the Chairperson adding that this is a good step as it will ensure accountability and could also assist in popularising the PAP in the Member States and communities.
The Chairperson said Article 4(3) of the Malabo Protocol will mark a departure from the current protocol as it will increase the number of females in each country delegation from one to two and a delegation which does not satisfy this requirement shall not have the right to be accredited for representation in the PAP.
[post_date_unix] => 1662575376 [post_date] => September 7, 2022 [post_modified] => September 7, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1491] => Array ( [post_id] => 1491 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1492 [post_link] => [post_title] => PAP’s Charumbira Calls on Kenya’s Prez-Elect to Keep Promise of Unity After Confirmation of Results [post_title_attribute] => PAP’s Charumbira Calls on Kenya’s Prez-Elect to Keep Promise of Unity After Confirmation of Results [post_excerpt] => [post_content] =>The President of the Pan African Parliament (PAP), H. E. Chief Fortune Zephaniah Charumbira, has called on the President Elect of the Republic of Kenya, H. E. William Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto, to keep the country together in peace and harmony even after a protracted election dispute as promised.
He assured him of the full support of the Pan African Parliament in the country’s quest towards pluralistic democracy, and sustainable socio-economic development predicated on tolerance, peace and stability.
The President of the continental Parliament made the call in a congratulatory message dated September 6, 2022 from the Headquarters of the PAP at Midrand, South Africa, which read, “We welcome the conciliatory tone adopted by His Excellency, President-Elect Ruto, and undertake to hold him to account for his promise to extend a hand of friendship to his political opponents and unite Kenyans in the endeavour to build a country that every Kenyan will be proud to call home.”
This follows the unanimous confirmation by the Supreme Court of the results of the General Elections held on 9th August, 2022, which the PAP President indicated that, “it attests to the unfettered independence of the Judiciary, which is a critical tenet of democracy, as well as Kenyans institutional commitment to representative democracy and respect for the will of the people.”
The message continues by indicating that, “The Pan African Parliament is proud to have been an integral part of the AU Joint Election Observation Mission to Kenya. As the continental representative institution whose sacred mandate is drawn from the African citizenry, we are gratified to note that and strongly identify with Kenya’s burgeoning democracy and political tolerance.
“Despite widespread uncertainty across the country arising from the protracted election challenge, the people of Kenya exorcised the ghosts of past elections by waiting patiently for the Supreme Court to pronounce itself on the outcome of the elections without resorting to violence.”
The call by the Chief Charumbira is in line with the functions of the Pan African Parliament as espoused in Rule 4(b) of the PAP Rules of Procedure which enjoins the Pan African Parliament to “Promote human and people’s rights, consolidate democratic institutions and the democratic culture, good governance, transparency, and the rule of law by all Organs of the Union, Regional Economic Communities and Member States.
Below is the full congratulatory message to the President-Elect
Source:Clement Akoloh
[post_date_unix] => 1662571414 [post_date] => September 7, 2022 [post_modified] => September 7, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1488] => Array ( [post_id] => 1488 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1489 [post_link] => [post_title] => Be Partners in Transforming the African Situation – Chief Charumbira Charges Media [post_title_attribute] => Be Partners in Transforming the African Situation – Chief Charumbira Charges Media [post_excerpt] => The President of the Pan African Parliament (PAP), H. E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira, has challenged the media in Africa to be alive to its duties and to become partners in the transformation of the continent. [post_content] =>The President of the Pan African Parliament (PAP), H. E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira, has challenged the media in Africa to be alive to its duties and to become partners in the transformation of the continent.
He urged them to move beyond reporting on issues of what is wrong with the continent and to begin to broach the subject of “why” things are the way they are; and “How” these things could be ameliorated.
"If we are to move ahead we need to provoke thinking. Even the media must be provoked. We are here gathered and we are from Africa, and our duty is to disseminate; communicate and to inform people across the world about certain things that confront us.
"I want to challenge you as media in this room that let's be a media that deals with the What of everything, but let's also be a media that deals with the Why and How. That is a good media," said the President in a keynote address delivered at a workshop organized by the Pan African Parliament for the media at the side lines of the ongoing Sitting of the PAP Permanent Committees in Midrand, South Africa.
According to him, more often than not, the media has remained stacked on diagnosing the myriad of challenges facing the continent while attempts at making progress are missed by this same media.
Speaking specifically to issues related to PAP, Chief Charumbira said, “My point remains that we miss the media in our work. The media should move with us from “what”; to “why”; and “how”. But you tend to remain on What, while we move to the next, we leave you behind then we miss you”.
He therefore expressed the need for the active involvement of the media in the reform process on the continent of Africa as well as the rebranding process of the Pan African Parliament which has been embarked upon by the new Bureau.
The PAP President, H. E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira told the workshop participants including the members of the Steering Committee of the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN) that the Capacity Building Workshop is a conscious effort to make the media an integral part of the new Bureau's attempt to revive, renew, reposition and reinvigorate the Pan-African Parliament.
“The Bureau of the Pan African Parliament is acutely aware that we cannot achieve our new strategic thrust of reviving and repositioning the Pan African Parliament within the continental governance matrix without rebranding the institution...Our desire to rebrand the Pan African Parliament, to create a different identity, is both a proactive and reactive initiative” the President said.
“We invite you to come with us as we begin this difficult journey of rebranding the Pan African Parliament. We invite you to report on the positive thrust that we have started on by ensuring equity and justice throughout all the structures of the Pan African Parliament, by adhering to the principle of geographical rotation.
"Never in the Pan African Parliament’s history, has each Region held the Chairpersonship, Deputy Chair and Rapporteur of at least two Committees as the Bureau of the 6th Parliament has done”, he added.
Source: Clement Akoloh||
[post_date_unix] => 1661996059 [post_date] => September 1, 2022 [post_modified] => September 1, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1473] => Array ( [post_id] => 1473 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1475 [post_link] => [post_title] => PNAfrica Recommends PAP Set up Model Open Parliament Benchmarks for AU Countries [post_title_attribute] => PNAfrica Recommends PAP Set up Model Open Parliament Benchmarks for AU Countries [post_excerpt] => The Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) has urged the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to consider setting up a benchmark for Parliamentary Openness as a model framework to be adopted by African Parliaments towards an Open Parliament Agenda. [post_content] =>The Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) has urged the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to consider setting up a benchmark for Parliamentary Openness as a model framework to be adopted by African Parliaments towards an Open Parliament Agenda.
This was one of the three recommendations made by the Executive Director of PNAfrica, Sammy Obeng, when he presented a paper to the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline of the Pan African Parliament on the subject area of, “Open Parliament and the Pan African Parliament” on Thursday, August 25, 2022. This presentation was made at the sidelines of the ongoing Committee Meetings of the PAP at Midrand, South Africa.
As a leading voice on the campaign for Open Parliament on the continent, Mr. Sammy Obeng urged the Committee to recommend to the Pan African Parliament to lead by example in adopting open parliament principles within its own processes and practices, including measures to improve its accountability to the Africa people.
He said this was important because, the establishment of PAP is informed by a vision to provide a common platform for African peoples on the Continent and in the diaspora, and their grassroots organizations to be more involved in discussions and decision-making on the problems and challenges facing the Continent.
“PAP may consider developing a Benchmark on Open Parliament to be used by Member States and Regional Economic Communities Parliaments, and further leverage its relationships with these Parliaments as envisaged in Article 19 of the PAP Protocol, to ensure that Consultative Fora on the subject of Open Parliaments are held with these regional and national Parliamentary bodies.
According to him, “Strengthening the PAP, Parliaments of Regional Economic Communities and National Parliaments in parliamentary openness, will effectively ensure the full participation of the African peoples in the economic development and integration of the Continent as envisioned by the PAP Protocol.”
The other recommendations made by the Executive Director of PNAfrica to the PAP include, “Undertake the ongoing revision of its Rules of Procedure through Open Parliament lenses. This requires ensuring that the Rules will further enhance access to the PAP and information emanating from the Parliament, ensure maximum accountability from Pan-African Parliamentarians and the PAP Institution to the people of Africa, and put citizens understanding and participation in PAP’s work at the center of everything PAP does.
“Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan through a co-creation process with civil society. The existence of the Pan-African Parliament Civil Society Platform, the African Parliamentary Monitoring Organisations Network (APMON) and the African Parliamentary Press Network will be useful in getting PAP to work with civil society to create, implement and publicize actions on openness.
“PAP should encourage Parliaments of the Regional Economic Communities and in Member States to do same, as civil society working and engaging parliaments are available to collaborate at national and regional levels. APMON is ready to work with the PAP and other stakeholders to facilitate these engagements.”
The Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline of the PAP, led by its Chairman, Hon. T. J. Majola from South Africa, was very appreciative of the presentation and recommendations and promised to have a continuous interaction with PNAfrica going forward on the subject matter.
“I will seriously look at your three recommendations. That is very important when we deal with the issue of reviewing our rules …Thank you so much for your time and presentation and I strongly believe that this is not the last time for you to be here. If we need you, we will call you to come and make another presentation,” the Chairman said.
Source: Clement Akoloh||
[post_date_unix] => 1661508480 [post_date] => August 26, 2022 [post_modified] => August 27, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1469] => Array ( [post_id] => 1469 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1470 [post_link] => [post_title] => PAP to Engage in Soul Searching Mission to Assist AU Deliver on Mandate – Chief Charumbira [post_title_attribute] => PAP to Engage in Soul Searching Mission to Assist AU Deliver on Mandate – Chief Charumbira [post_excerpt] => The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is to embark on a soul-searching mission to be able to fully play a more meaningful role as an organ of the African Union (AU) in pursuit of development and in furtherance of Agenda 2063. [post_content] =>The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is to embark on a soul-searching mission to be able to fully play a more meaningful role as an organ of the African Union (AU) in pursuit of development and in furtherance of Agenda 2063.
The continental Parliament is schedule to hold a ten-day long programme from August 22 to September 3rd 2022 where a very exhaustive programmed is outlined to search, research and interrogate the purpose and objectives for the establishment of the PAP and draw an implementation plan to justify its relevance in meeting the aspirations of the people of the continent.
Addressing a virtual Press Conference on Friday, August 19, 2022 from the Secretariat of the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand, South Africa, the President of the PAP, Chief Fortune Charumbira, disclosed that, starting from Monday 22 August to the 3rd of September 2022, “it would be PAP renewal; PAP reinventing itself; PAP crafting a future that responds to the challenges of this continent; that responds to the demands and aspirations of the citizens of this continent.”
He then urged the media to pay close attention to and have keen interest in the outlined activities of the PAP aimed at transforming the fortunes of the Parliament. “For now, the Bureau has been meeting preparing for a major event which I will be inviting the media in all its various forms to take a keen interest,” he said.
The programme will kick start with a self-assessment and mission-finding workshop for all 275 members of the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand South Africa beginning from Monday, August 22 to Wednesday, August 24. This will then be followed by Committee sittings till September 2 to consider specific issues springing out from the workshop.
According to the President of the Continental Parliament, the whole aim of the workshop is geared towards understanding the whole purpose of establishing the PAP and what structures exists to enable it perform its duties adequately. Various experts and senior leaders on the continent and even beyond are scheduled to support the process.
“The purpose of the 3-day workshop will be to re-look; re-orient; re-invigorate; re-energize, and re-invent the Pan-African Parliament. And to do that, we will have a number of activities. The first is to look at what is it that the Parliament was created to deliver. We want to go back to the basics of the Abuja treaty of 1991; … a lot of things happened in justifying the creation of a Parliament as one of the organs of the then OAU which was only established when the name moved to the African Union (AU).
“Beyond that, that will lead us to aligning ourselves to the 2063 agenda. How does PAP contribute to the AU’s 2063 Agenda? By of course collaborating very well, meaningfully with other structures within the AU family. As a result, we have invited almost every unit commissions of the AU so that the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, also connects with our vision; connects with the vision of the AU. The Commissioner for Agriculture, the Commissioner for Infrastructure, and all of the them will come to PAP and then we can agree on how we can harmonize operations and the programmes.
“As part of these 3-day programme, we would also look at the issue of rules. Whether our rules of procedure of PAP actually supports or creates a conducive environment for a honourable Pan-African Parliament which is composed of Honourable members. What are the gaps in our rules of operation? We would also look at the rules on the conduct of our Honourable members during our sessions. What decorum is supposed of honourable Members. And if any rules would be amended, that would be informed by the discussions of this meeting.”
Source: Clement Akoloh||
[post_date_unix] => 1660943418 [post_date] => August 19, 2022 [post_modified] => August 19, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1466] => Array ( [post_id] => 1466 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1467 [post_link] => [post_title] => PAP Permanent Committees to gather for August Sittings [post_title_attribute] => PAP Permanent Committees to gather for August Sittings [post_excerpt] => [post_content] =>The August Sittings of the Permanent Committees of the sixth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) are scheduled to be held from 22 August to 02 September 2022 at the seat of the continental Parliament in Midrand, South Africa.
The Sittings will be guided by the African Union theme of 2022; ‘Building resilience in nutrition on the African continent: Accelerate the human capital, social and economic development’.
Among others, the PAP committees will work on various issues including a dedicated workshop on the AU theme of 2022; an update on the peace and security situation on the continent; model law on Food Security and Nutrition; Covid-19 Crisis and economic and social recovery strategies in Africa; status of implementation of the AfCFTA; model law on Gender Parity; and implementation status of the African Union Ten-Year Action Plan to eradicate Child Labour and Human Trafficking.
“The August Sittings will also feature the Speaker’s Conference where the leadership of Africa’s national and regional legislatures will concert on AU decisions and policies as well as evaluate the state of the ratification of the PAP Protocol and ways to speed up this process,” says the H.E. Chief Fortune Charumbira, President of the PAP.
H.E. Charumbira says that committees are the engine house of the Parliament as they ensure in-depth analysis on topical and emerging issues facing Africa. “The Committees enable Parliament to perform its core oversight, advisory and consultative functions. Further, such an arrangement allows the PAP to perform several functions simultaneously and provide required detailed investigation on matters of concern.”
The upcoming sittings constitute the first statutory assignment of the parliament since the elective ordinary session in June 2022, which signaled the resumption of parliamentary activities. The August sittings will be preceded by a strategic reorientation workshop for members of the Pan-African Parliament on 22-23 August aimed at “Reviving, Renewing, Repositioning and Reinvigorating the Pan-African Parliament.”
The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the PAP’s commitment to reposition itself within the AU architecture, through an in-depth analysis of its mandate and how it can effectively contribute to achieving the objectives of the Union.
Source: Jeffrey Onganga||Pan-African Parliament
[post_date_unix] => 1660769053 [post_date] => August 17, 2022 [post_modified] => August 17, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) [1447] => Array ( [post_id] => 1447 [post_type] => post [has_post_thumbnail] => 1 [post_thumbnail_id] => 1448 [post_link] => [post_title] => PAP joins efforts to promote lasting peace in Africa [post_title_attribute] => PAP joins efforts to promote lasting peace in Africa [post_excerpt] => [post_content] =>The Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) participated in the pre-launch event of the inter-regional knowledge exchange (I-RECKE) on Early Warning and Conflict Prevention, held ahead of the 4th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (MYCM) in Lusaka, Zambia.
I-RECKE is an institutional community of practice for intra-continental and cross-regional learning to build peace. It is a Pan-African mechanism for developing, capturing and documenting knowledge and also sharing lessons learned, and experiences on governance and conflict prevention on the continent.
Led by the African Union Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), I-RECKE has been described as a critical area of cooperation between the African Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in promoting peace and security on the continent.
The pre-launch was conducted in the presence of representatives from the eight RECs and Regional Mechanisms (RMs) on the African continent, given their central role in ensuring the implementation of preventive measures to maintain peace and security in the region.
Speaking at the pre-launch event, the President of the Pan-African Parliament H.E. Chief Fortune also Charumbira pledged full support for the initiative given its relevance with a core function of the Continental Parliament, which is to promote peace, security and stability.
“Our Permanent Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and Conflict Resolution consider policy issues on international cooperation and international relations on behalf of the Parliament and AU. It also deals with conventions and protocols linking Parliament with regional and international institutions. The Committee examines revisions of AU protocols and treaties and provides assistance to Parliament in its conflict prevention and resolution efforts. Permanent Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and Conflict Resolution,” said the PAP President.
H.E Chief Charumbira further called on the RECs to work closely with the PAP given the intertwinement of the mandates of their issues of peace and security.
“The PAP and the RECs are one. In fact, the PAP is called upon, as part of its functions, to promote the coordination of the RECs’ policies, measures, programmes and activities. We are also tasked with consolidating democratic institutions and culture, good governance transparency and the rule of law by all AU organs, including RECs and the Member States. Our cooperation is critical for the advancement of African integration. “ said H.E Charumbira.
The pre-launch of the platform was expected to be followed by the official launch during the meeting for the Heads of State.
Source: PAP
[post_date_unix] => 1658098899 [post_date] => July 17, 2022 [post_modified] => July 17, 2022 [post_author_url] => [post_author_name] => Clement Akoloh [post_author_email] => [post_comments_no] => 0 [post_comments_link] => [post_theme_settings] => Array ( ) ) ) [loop_pagination] => Array ( [pagenavi_options] => Array ( [pages_text] => Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES% [current_text] => %PAGE_NUMBER% [page_text] => %PAGE_NUMBER% [first_text] => 1 [last_text] => %TOTAL_PAGES% [next_text] => [prev_text] => [dotright_text] => ... [dotleft_text] => ... [num_pages] => 3 [always_show] => 1 ) [paged] => 3 [max_page] => 7 [start_page] => 2 [end_page] => 4 [pages_to_show] => 3 [previous_posts_link] => [next_posts_link] => ) [category_id] => 40 )