The Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government (Africa Forum) have agreed to establish a collaborative framework to support the implementation of the broad objectives of the African Union (AU).
An introductory meeting between the two parties took place on 14 September 2022 at the seat of the continental Parliament in Midrand, South Africa. Presenting the missions and objectives of the Forum, Prof. John Tesha, Executive Secretary of the Africa Forum underscored that the renewed impetus and reinvigoration of the PAP, underpinned by a new political leadership, presents a unique opportunity for cooperation with African Parliamentarians at national, sub-regional and regional levels.
The Africa Forum was formed in 2006 and constitutes an informal network of former African Heads of State and Government and other African leaders with the specific functions of advocacy and think tanking. The Forum helps harness the experience, moral authority and good offices of the former African leaders for the purpose of assisting the advancement Africa’s social and economic development.
The Bureau, through H.E. Hon. Chief Fortune Charumbira, President of the PAP, welcomed the idea of working closely with Africa’s former leaders on issues of common interest, including advancing African development, particularly by promoting sustainable peace and security, enhancing and sustaining democratic governance in Africa and promoting human rights.
The meeting agreed to hold further consultations with a view to fine-tune, in due course, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on areas of Collaboration. The Executive Secretariat of the Forum has also made a request to be allocated an office space within the PAP precincts as part of the working relationship. The request will be deliberated upon and given due consideration by the PAP Bureau after consultations with relevant stakeholders.